Massage is no longer just for special occasions!
If you haven’t had a professional massage or it has been a while, your body will be in for a long overdue “Ahhhhhh…”
All massages include heat and aromatherapy.
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Massage Benefits listed below:

We live in a busy and demanding world. Sometimes, we just need to get the tension out! One of the best ways is massage therapy! Getting a massage relieves muscle tension and can help relieve muscle soreness and/or pain. While getting a massage, you might even be surprised how many areas that pesky muscle tension may be hiding. After your session, feel the more relaxed you!

After getting regularly massaged, you may be finding it much easier to fall and stay asleep. Getting regular massages can be effective at reducing cortisol – the stress hormone that actively blocks the production of serotonin. Serotonin (known as the happy chemical) plays a role in sleep in multiple areas of the brain. Serotonin is also used by the body in the production of melatonin. Melatonin (a hormone) helps to regulate the sleep cycles and our internal clock. Poor sleep can feed into our not recovering fully from the stressful event/s of the previous day. Are you ready for improved sleep?

Regular massage can reduce stress by providing physical and psychological benefits that counter the symptoms of stress. Massage has been shown to lower heart rate and blood pressure. Massage relaxes your muscles. Massage also can increase your parasympathetic activity and decrease your cortisol levels. The cortisol hormone can actively block the production of serotonin which is one of our naturally produced happy chemicals in the body. (Who doesn’t want more happy chemicals?) Are you ready to feel more relaxed?

Massage can affect body chemistry as it increases serotonin (mood, emotion, sleep cycles, and concentration) and dopamine (mood, learning, movement, and alertness) neurotransmitter levels. Also, the oxytocin hormone known as the “love” or “cuddle” hormone is released when people bond socially, snuggle, or through non-sexual touch – including massage. Massage can help someone feel more connected. Oxytocin, according to research, is also the hormone associated with trust and may lead to increased social bonding. Through these mechanisms massage not only can help you to “feel happier,” but you can feel “more connected.” Are you ready to feel more plugged in?
2 Locations to better serve our clients:
4250 W 99th St Suite 100, Carmel, IN 46032
1201 N Post Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46219
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Neuro-Groove disclaimer
The contents and links to this website including all images, text, graphics and other materials are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you are in crisis, please seek medical attention immediately.